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TERATEC Forum 2013
Workshop 6 - Wednesday, June 26, 2013, 14:00/18:00

Modeling and simulation to support sustainable cities
Chaired by Vincent COUSIN, ADVANCITY and Etienne DE POMMERY, ESI Group

Cities are constantly changing, and the sudden emergence of digital technology seems only to have increased the pace of that change. New construction, transforming technical networks, and interconnected types of mobility are just a few of the areas in that change every day, making a city a living organism aspiring to eternity. This characteristic is an essential difference from the industrial purposes for which simulation is traditionally used, and poses a challenge for digital representation, which has a difficult time representing the full dynamic complexity.

In addition, a city is not "made" by and does not belong to any particular individual; instead, it belongs to all network operators, service providers, manufacturers, and more generally all economic players, elected officials, and residents. All of those stakeholders can represent their city and take part in modeling and simulating physical and natural phenomena, activities and business in the city, in order to predict its development, measure and counteract risks, and make essential choices to help the city evolve sustainably. 

This workshop called on specialists from various fields—city planning, architecture, construction techniques, natural hazards, and atmospheric pollution modeling—to attempt to determine how modeling and simulation can be applied to the transformation of cities.

14h00 Introduction
By Vincent COUSIN, ADVANCITY and Etienne DE POMMERY, ESI Group
14h15 La ville numérique : un outil innovant pour la mise en débat des projets d’aménagement durables
By Hervé CHARRUE and Souheil SOUBRA, CSTB

Abstract & Biography Click HERE to download presentation

14h45 Modélisation et simulation : un transfert possible depuis le monde industriel au monde de la ville ?
By Jean-Marc CREPEL, RENAULT and Franck BOUTTE, urbaniste fondateur de l’Agence Franck Boutté Consultants
15h15 Simuler développement économique et impacts environnementaux sur un large territoire pour éviter des choix d’aménagements mettant en danger des équilibres fragiles
By Fabienne TROLARD, chercheur à l’INRA

Click HERE to download presentation

Pause café - Visite de l'exposition - Networking - Grand Hall

Sport's Hub Singapore, construire avant de construire
By Trino BELTRAN, directeur R&D and Innovation de BOUYGUES BATIMENT International

Abstract & Biography


Planification urbaine et simulation des pollutions de l'air

Abstract & Biography Click HERE to download presentation


Modélisation et risques urbains : une pratique indispensable mais à quelles conditions ?
By Philippe BISCH, président du groupe Innovation de SYNTEC Ingénierie and Président honoraire de l’AFPS Association Française du Génie Parasismique

Abstract & Biography Click HERE to download presentation

SUSTAINS Project : Solving Urban Specifications with a Tractable and INteractive System AIRCITY Project : Prévision de la qualité de l'air en ville
This workshop is organized in partnership with the Green Technologies and sustainable cities cluster

Participation to this workshop is free (subject to seats available). On line registration is required. To register click HERE !



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