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Actualités de SMAI


CEMRACS '11 - Multiscale Coupling of Complex Models
July 18th - August 26th, 2011 -- Marseille, France

CALL FOR PROJECTS : contact the organizers

Cemracs concept

Cemracs '11 takes place at the CIRM (Marseille, France) from July 18th to August 26th, 2011.

The CEMRACS is a scientific event of the SMAI (the french Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics). The Cemracs concept was initiated in 1996 by Yvon Maday and Frédéric Coquel. Cemracs '11 will be the sixteenth of the series, devoted this year to Multiscale Complex Modelling aspects in scientific computing. The goal of this event is to bring together scientists from both the academic and industrial communities and discuss these topics. Cemracs '11 consists in two types of events:

  • a one week summer school (July 18th - 22th),
  • a five week research session (July 28th - August 28th).

During the first week, a classical summer school is proposed. It consists in several lectures given by leading scientists and related to the topics of the research projects. The remaining 5 weeks are dedicated to working on the research projects, after a daily morning seminar.

Each participant will work in a team on a project proposed by an industrial or an academic partner. Each team will be composed of young researchers assisted by one or more senior researchers. The commitment for the young researchers is to be present for the whole period of the research session. The commitment for the senior researchers is to ensure the management of the project, that is mainly to precise definition of the subject and supervision of the project. Other visiting scientists, interested in the ongoing research, can be associated to the program for shorter periods and are, of course, welcome.

Summer School Speakers

Emmanuel Frénod (Univ. Bretagne Sud): Two-scale convergence
Edwige Godlewski (Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6): Coupling algorithms for hyperbolic systems
Francesca Gulminelli (Univ. Caen): Phase transition and critical phenomena
Siegfried Müller (Univ. Aachen): Multiscale based grid adaptation for finite volume schemes
Mario Ohlberger (Univ. Münster): A posteriori estimates and adaptation
Gabriel Turinici (Univ. Paris Dauphine): A numerical approach to the Mean Field Games

Scientific Topic of Cemracs '11

This Cemracs is devoted to the mathematical and numerical multiscale modelling.

Lectures will detail various issues: multiscale modelling, multiscale analysis, algorithms, applications.

The projects will give the opportunity to develop new mathematical models and algorithms for solving complex problems arising in applications.


Organizing Committee: F. Coquel (CMAPX Palaiseau), M. Gutnic (IRMA Strasbourg), P. Helluy (IRMA Strasbourg), F. Lagoutière (LM Orsay), C. Rohde (IAANS Stuttgart), N. Seguin (LJLL Paris)

Scientific Committee: P. Le Tallec (École Polytechnique), P.-L. Lions (Collège de France), Y. Maday (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6), É. Pardoux (Université de Provence, Aix-Marseille 1), O. Pironneau (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6 & Académie des Sciences), P.-A. Raviart (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6), D. Talay (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis Méditerranée & SMAI).

Pour en savoir plus


Enjeux Mathématiques du Calcul scientifique à Haute Performance – Visions et collaborations grands groupes/PME/académique
Chatenay-Malabry, France

Dans le cadre des Rencontres Maths-Industrie, la SMAI organise une journée sur le thème « HPC – des grands centres de calcul aux PME » qui sera dédiée à la mémoire de notre collègue Patrick Lascaux, initiateur et organisateur de ces rencontres jusqu'à sa disparition en mars 2010.

Cette rencontre se déroulera sur le site de l'Ecole Centrale de Paris le 22 mars 2011 et réunira des industriels et académiques du calcul scientifique à Haute Performance sur différents secteurs industriels (transport, énergie, finance, …). Le but de la journée est de faciliter le brainstorming scientifique et le déclenchement de collaborations ultérieures entreprises-académiques.

La participation est ouverte à tous et gratuite, sous réserve de s'être inscrit au préalable sur le site web.






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