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Forum TERATEC 2015
Atelier 7 - Mercredi 24 juin de 14h00 à 17h30
L’innovation en technologies de stockage et de flux de données pour l'exascale

Distributed object-based-storage on the exabyte road
Bradley KING, Chief Architect, SCALITY

Many projects and ongoing discussions center on meeting the challenge of research involving exaflops of computing power and exabytes of stored data.   One of the key directions that storage systems have pursued is the introduction of object-based storage models to address the explosion in quantity of data being stored and analyzed. Object based storage models indeed have the potential to take storage capacities to the next level.  The key advantages and challenges of distributed  object based storage will be presented along with the presentation of examples of recent deployments of large scale systems such as Los Alamos in the US.

Bradley KING is one of the founders of Scality, and as chief architect is responsible for the architectures of the storage systems deployed by the company.  He has designed and deployed systems around the world in different environments including HPC, Cloud and Media systems deployed for companies such as Time Warner, SFR, Orange, Los Alamos, Daily Motion and Comcast.  Brad is based in Paris.  He has a PhD in Marine Hydrodynamics from the University of Michigan and has been involved in HPC and research projects since the 1980s at research labs and Internet companies. He enjoys offshore sailing and dabbles in amateur radio


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